Keeping technology out of the bedrooms

19th May 2020

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Keeping tech in check

For many, homeschooling has meant getting creative with dedicated spaces for parents and kids, setting up a study or home office area, and finding ways to plug in, zone out or tune in.

While there may be a temptation to create dedicated or quiet study spaces in bedrooms, all the experts agree that when it comes to tech and kids – you need to keep it in check, and out of the bedroom.

There is plenty of research around the dire effects and consequences in having electronic devices in the bedroom 24/7, from cyber bullying to interrupted sleep, and it’s not just kids! Experts agree, including those at Business Insider, that you should also keep home offices and tech out of parent’s bedrooms as well, as it can have several negative impacts from anxiety to sleep disturbances.

Before we head back to school, and hopefully workplaces with easing of restrictions, it is a perfect opportunity for parents to assess study options, and create, or reestablish healthy home habits.

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Zoom away from your bedroom

Technology and education are a fundamental partnership.  Technology opens the students to a world of learning and skills development and there is no turning back on that.

However, your kids, (like you), need a break from the continual use of electronic devices.  And if they are not in the bedroom, there is less of a temptation to reach out for it at all hours of the day or night. Once computers and phones are finished with during their study period, leave them in a designated charging station, like a study nook.

As parents, we can lead by example and show our kids that screen time can be managed and enjoyed in a controlled level.

Down time without screentime

Taking a break from screens is healthy for the mind and body. Whether it is having a meal together or doing a jigsaw as a family, these are all simple pleasures that do not require electronic devices to be present.

According to an article in The Conversation by Wladislaw Rivkin, Lecturer in Work and Organisational Psychology, Aston University, detachment from your work space is crucial in replenishing vital mental energy. Things like “setting up dedicated times for work and leisure, as well as engaging in absorbing activities such mindfulness meditation or playing with pets”, are all beneficial.

By refraining from electronic devices one hour before bed you will maximise your chances of a better sleep, which means you are more energised the following day!

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Revamping the bedroom

Children of all ages love to have their bedroom set up as their personal haven but Katrina Springer from The Organised Housewife regrets buying her younger children a personal desk for their bedrooms, as it created mess and clutter.

But when it comes to homework using a laptop, it’s even more important to get the kids out of their bedroom into an open space where you can see them, and hear who is talking to them.  It is also an opportunity for you to stay involved and give them a hand. Stay connected with their learning so that way, they can share their challenges and triumphs with you. 

Nooks don’t need to be noisy

According to the Black Dog Institute, it is recommended that you “create a specific place in your home where you work (avoid the bedroom)”.

“Studies show that working from home can interfere with sleep, especially for people who find it difficult to switch off from work. Avoid working in your bedroom if possible. It will then become associated with being alert, awake and switched on.”

Consider setting up a study nook, close to the kitchen or living room, creating a more welcoming space for kids and adults to do their work.  At Henley, the Evoka and at Cranbourne showcase delightful study nooks which can be used by the whole family, whether it is finishing off an assignment or paying bills.

We never said it was easy, but to have the discipline in being creative and joyful during your non-screen time, you can show your kids that your mobile phone is not the be all and end all of your connection to the outside world!

What do you love doing that does not involve an electronic device?

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