Fighting MS with Team Ange

7th June 2018

Angelo Di Pasquale who has been a valued Henley staff member for over 12 years was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) in 2010 and has been fighting a strong battle for over 8 years.

Angelo fights the ongoing pains of MS which is diagnosed to over 25,000 Australians every year. He has not let this debilitating disease get the best of him and has not only continued to work but is determined to help find a cure.


Over the past 5 years Angelo has taken part in the MS Fun Run which is held on a yearly basis to raise money for people fighting MS. Angelo puts together a team of family, friends and colleagues to help him conquer the walk/run whilst ensuring everyone around him is aware of the ongoing struggle with this disease.

In 2017, Team Ange raised the second highest fundraising amount in Victoria which was a magnificent effort in itself. However, Angelo did not rest and led his team to the number one fundraising position for 2018 over $16,000 thanks to his family and friends.


Henley’s ongoing support of their staff is on full display whilst continuing their philanthropic with donations of over $8,000 and uniforms for everyone who was part of Team Ange.

What Angelo has done and continues to do on a day to day basis is an inspiration to everyone who knows him. Henley continues to support not only its staff but the community with its ongoing support of the Good Friday Appeal and many other initiatives around the globe.

Stay tuned for more exciting news regarding our philanthropy efforts!

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